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klariviere klariviere Author

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Many companies simply wait for talent to come to them. Simply advertising an open position and hoping you find the right talent does not guarantee that you will find the best people for the jobs in your organization. Actively seeking out qualified candidates is the best way to ensure that you find the talent you need. Recruitment is essential to the success of your business.

Hiring a new employee is one of the largest investments you can make in business. That is why hiring the correct employee is so important. Hiring the right employee is more important than ever, as training can be very expensive. Employee turnover costs companies a lot of money each year. This course will provide the Employee Recruitment that your hiring department needs to help them interview and recruit the right employee for you.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define recruitment
  • Describe the selection process
  • Recognize the GROW model and how to set goals
  • Determine how to prepare for the interview and question process
  • Identify and avoid bias when making offers
  • Discover ways to retain talent and measure growth

How You Will Benefit:

  • Improved employee attraction
  • Improved talent pool
  • Enhanced communication
  • Greater efficiency and effectiveness
  • Reduced employee turnover

Who Should Attend:

Human Resource Professionals or employees responsible for recruitment and attraction

Prerequisites: None

Course Format: Live instructor led (synchronous)

Course Duration: 8 hours

Course Information


This course does not have any sections.