It’s no secret that the sales industry continues to change and evolve rapidly. This is an exciting and dynamic profession, although it is often underrated and misunderstood. The back-slapping, high pressure, joke-telling salesperson has disappeared. In his place is a new generation of sales professionals: highly trained and well groomed, with the characteristics of honesty, trustworthiness, and competence. This one-day workshop will help you learn how to be one of those smart sales professionals!

Learning Objectives:  

  • Explain and apply concepts of customer focused selling
  • Recall goal-setting techniques to focus on what they want to accomplish and develop strategies for getting there
  • Apply success techniques to get the most out of work
  • Identify productivity techniques to maximize their use of time.
  • Discover ways to find new clients and network effectively

How You Will Benefit:

  • Improved communication and persuasion as the employee is taught techniques for clear communication, building rapport, and presenting ideas persuasively
  • Enhanced customer service as the employee identifies ways to recognize the customers’ needs and exceeds expectations that can translate to providing excellent customer service
  • Stronger networking skills to help build connections across departments and foster collaboration

Who Should Attend:

Anyone interested in taking charge of their sales profession by utilizing valuable tools that can benefit an employee throughout their career

Prerequisites: None

Course Format: Live instructor led

Course Duration: 8 hours

Level of Difficulty: Beginner

Course Information


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