Welcome to the Trust Building and Resilience Development course. Creating relationships that are built on trust, and having the tools to be resilient are crucial in creating a workplace that is safe and a solid place for all to work.

This course will introduce you to your company’s responsibility with regard to promoting honesty, as well as how to deal with the inevitable changes that come along with building a stronger business.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify how to gain trust of employees by empowering them
  • Discuss how to promote transparent communication
  • Recall how to keep the promises you make
  • Identify different personality types and how to work with them
  • Demonstrate respect of all those you work with
  • Solve for keeping stress at bay
  • Discover how to overcome adversities
  • Analyze how to accept and manage change
  • Discover how to stay motivated

 How You Will Benefit:

  • Enhanced trust and motivation
  • Improved employee morale and retention
  • Greater self-confidence
  • Improved communication skills
  • Improved relationships
  • Personal growth

Who Should Attend:

  • Any employee, Supervisor or Manager

Course Format: Live instructor led (synchronous) 

Course Duration: 8 hours

This course does not have any sections.