Workplace harassment is illegal and destructive to any organization. It is important to treat everyone in the workplace with respect and dignity. Workplace harassment must be identified, discouraged, and prevented in order to keep a hostile work environment from developing. Left unchecked, harassment can escalate into violence. Workplace harassment training is essential to the welfare of all businesses and their employees.

To prevent Workplace Violence, it is essential that managers and employees can identify individuals who could become violent and understand how to diffuse dangerous situations. This workshop will help participants to identify and address violence in the workplace, as well as giving them the tools to develop their own Workplace Harassment policy.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define workplace harassment and violence
  • Identity bullies and recognize how to avoid hiring them
  • Create a risk assessment and understand how to handle violence
  • Recognize social and business responsibility
  • Develop relevant policies and procedures
  • Demonstrate how to investigate complaints

How You Will Benefit:

  • Improved workplace conditions and safety
  • Recognize the signs of harassment and violence and how to manage incidents
  • Reduce conflict and improve teamwork
  • Improved employee well-being
  • Improve retention and attendance in the workplace

Who Should Attend:

Human Resource Professionals or individuals who manage employees

Prerequisites: None

Course Format: Live instructor led (synchronous)

Course Duration: 8 hours

This course does not have any sections.