Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one’s own feelings, and that of groups, and how these emotions can influence motivation and behavior.
Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one’s own feelings, and that of groups, and how these emotions can influence motivation and behavior.
Effective supervision is critical to team success. This session covers the essential skills and strategies needed to manage, motivate, and mentor your team. Learn how to set clear expectations, provide…
Whenever two or more people come together, there is bound to be conflict. This course will give participants a seven-step conflict resolution process that they can use and modify to resolve conflict disputes of any size. Your participants will also be provided with a set of skills in solution building and finding common ground
This course aims to help participants better understand and address issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, while giving participants the opportunity to challenge their views and opinions. Through this engaging, interactive training, we hope to help open dialogue with real world examples of behaviors and beliefs.
This course is designed to illustrate biases that an individual may hold and how those may influence their behavior and attitudes, and thus decision making, despite the individual not being aware of the biases. We will work to reduce and remove organizational inequalities by empowering individuals to avoid their biases when making decisions.